Rooted for the Future


We want to promote an innovative cultural, social and economic approach that is collaborative, intergenerational, trans-sectorial, transboundary and focuses on the human and emotional value of each interaction.


A world regenerated by collective meaningfulness, where being, acting and belonging are aligned with nature and time.

Future perspectives

We aim to :

a) Establish a Blue Arbor social franchise that regroups Arbor Hubs across the globe. We aspire to co-create and establish more than ten hubs by 2035.

b) Develop a Think Tank. Through our network – with an extensive database – we aim at becoming a front runner in socio-economic innovation.


The name Blue Arbor

Blue Arbor symbolizes a mythical tree. It is the backbone of life. Fueled by flowing sap it connects the soil with the atmosphere. The flexible canopy and strong roots shelter creatures, while seeds spread it’s vital energy.

Arbor, tree in Latin, in its Sanskrit root embeds the meaning of growth and stability. The color Blue represents both sky and sea, and is associated with freedom, intuition, and imagination.